Monday, January 09, 2006

Posting for Terri Freedman

This is Terri Freedman, and I am currently residing in Sonoma County. Dave and I were married in the mid-70's-early 80's. We lived together in the Bay Area and Southern Humboldt (in Crooked Prairie/Ettersburg, a lovely community). I had not been in touch with David for the past several years, with the exception of a dinner in Arcata in November 1998...Since then, I attempted to contact him a few times, but without much success. I was always happy to know he was working with KMUD during these times, although I never did hear his show. (Is there any way I might be able to borrow or copy some tapes of his shows?)

Anyway, I was shocked this evening to read an email just by chance announcing Dave's passing yesterday. I am so touched to read all these words, these sentiments for him, on the KMUD site, and I'm happy that he is loved and appreciated so much in his community.


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